Sunday, July 22, 2012


On the day that Mikey asked me to marry him (Father's Day 2011), Kirsten asked Mikey if she could call him Dad.  It made both Mikey and me tear up a little because it was so sweet and heartfelt.  It was totally her idea, and she asked me first if it was ok.  I said it certainly was, because that's how their relationship had already developed.  So I let her know that she should ask Mikey how he felt about it.  Mikey said he'd be honored to have Kirsten call him Dad, and Mikey's been "Dad" ever since.

Chloe has been a little bit of a different story.  She's much more of an introvert than Kirsten is, and asking questions like, "Can I call you Mom," is not something that she is comfortable articulating.  She has brought up the subject shyly before, and we have had some discussions that we kept light, but made sure that she is aware that she can talk to us, ask questions if she wants, and that if she decides she wants to call me by something other than "Shell" that that's ok.  But she's been pretty hesitant about it.

Anyway, the last week she was here, Chloe decided that her new name for me is "BomMom".  I felt like my heart was going to grow out of my chest when she first said it. So cute and sweet.

Our kids are freakin' cool.

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