Sunday, July 8, 2012

BFK and the Peanut

When I was little, I always wondered what it would be like to have a sister.  I dreamed of sharing clothes and talking about boys and doing our hair together.  I thought it would be the coolest thing ever.  My mom tried to tell me that it wasn't all tea parties and mutual interests, but I was convinced that it would be the most awesomest thing in the whole world.  

I hear my mom might have been right on some accounts, but I still always wonder what that would have been like.

But I do have a brother, and he's pretty much one of the coolest dudes I know.  The bond I have with Brando is, like, better than super glue and peanut butter and jelly and Yogi Bear and Boo-boo.  I know, it sounds weird, but stay with me here.  There's a point to this.

So when Kirsten and I were doing the *just us* thing (in the days pre-Mikey-and-Chloe) I tried not to be too terribly saddened by the fact that she might just be an only child permanently.  All the rivalry she'd miss out on, all the fights, all the laughter, all the tears, all the play time, all that bond that you share with a sibling based on your mutual enemies (plus less pressure, because Mom and Dad have more than just you to keep an eye on) - I tried to block it all out because it simply wasn't going to happen, through no one's fault really.  That's just how it shook out.

But then Mikey and Chloe came along.  It must have been around March of 2010 that Mikey sent along a video of Chloe singing in the car an adorable little tune with very simple lyrics: "Shell and Kirsten, Kirsten and Shell."  It melted my heart clear through.  I'm pretty sure there's still a little melty spot left.  I may never recover.

Through our time together, they've grown closer and closer.  They still struggle with each other, like siblings do.  Kirsten gets annoyed that her little sister copies everything she does.  Chloe gets annoyed that her big sister bosses her around sometimes.  Normal sibling stuff.  But something really fun happens when they're just playing together.  Parenting them is like watching a little bit of magic happen.

I remember one night we were at the table having dinner together, and Chloe started to have a bit of a meltdown over something.  Chloe has been known to get worked up to such a degree that almost nothing will calm her down.  But this particular time was completely different.  Chloe was crying, her face was red, and she was really working herself into a monster temper tantrum.  Then, Kirsten whispered something into Chloe's ear, and she just stopped crying and started giggling.  Her tears were quickly replaced with laughter, and her sad face was awakened to a bright smile.  Every adult at the table was confounded.  What?  You mean she can just stop?  Just like that?  What did Kirsten just say?!

I'll tell you what she said.  

Fuzzy Lollipops.

It's so incredibly cool to watch them grow up together, figure each other out, and be sisters.  The way they play together and make up stories to go along with what they're playing is like a glimpse into what a cool world they're creating.

I love these two goofballs.

Seriously, cutest kids ever.  Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. They truly are amazing girls! I love watching them together and seeing what things they figure out to do. They put smiles on my face as only children you love can do. Thank you for letting me have them in my life!!! They have made it a much better place to be. Hugs and loves to my 2 little angels and to mom and dad too!!!
